Nevada-California-Oregon Coach No. 52
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Construction on the Nevada-California-Oregon Railroad, then called the Nevada & California, was started north from Reno in 1881. Eventually, it extended all the way to Lakeview, Oregon, serving many towns along the Eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada. Traffic was primarily lumber, agriculture and livestock.
In 1915 the NCO purchased a number of passenger and freight cars from the recently defunct Florence & Cripple Creek in Colorado. Included in the purchase was F&CC coach No. 52, which retained its number on the NCO. The car had been built as a second class coach in 1897 by the St. Charles Car Company of St. Louis, source of many of the F&CC cars.
The cars put in good service on the NCO until 1928, when the line was converted
to standard gauge by the new owner, the Southern Pacific Railroad. Coach No. 52
was placed on the ground, used as a house, and later as a shed. It was acquired
in 1984 by the Railroad Museum, and is presently awaiting its turn for restoration.